
Mixup ImageNet Benchmarks¶

OpenMixup provides mixup benchmarks on supervised learning on various tasks. Config files and experiment results are available, and pre-trained models and training logs are updating. Moreover, more advanced mixup variants will be supported in the future. Issues and PRs are welcome!

Now, we have supported 13 popular mixup methods! Notice that * denotes open-source arXiv pre-prints reproduced by us, and đź“– denotes original results reproduced by official implementations. We modified the original AttentiveMix by using pre-trained R-18 (or R-50) and sampling $\lambda$ from $\Beta(\alpha,8)$ as AttentiveMix+, which yields better performances.


  • We summarize benchmark results in Markdown tables. You can convert them into other formats (e.g., LaTeX) with online tools.

  • As for evaluation, you can test pre-trained models with tools/, and then you can extract experiment results (from JSON files) by tools in openmixup/tools/summary/. An example with 4 GPUs evaluation and summarization is as follows:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2,3,4 bash tools/ ${CONFIG_FILE} 4 ${PATH_TO_MODEL}
    python tools/summary/ ${PATH_TO_JSON_LOG} head0_top1-head0_top5
Supported sample mixing policies
Supported label mixing policies

ImageNet Benchmarks¶

We provide three popular benchmarks on ImageNet-1k based on various network architectures. We also provide results on Tiny-ImageNet for fast experiments. The median of top-1 accuracy in the last 5/10 training epochs for 100/300 epochs is reported for ResNet variants, and the best top-1 accuracy is reported for Transformer architectures.

PyTorch-style Training Settings on ImageNet-1k¶

These benchmarks follow PyTorch-style settings, training 100 and 300 epochs from stretch based on ResNet variants on ImageNet-1k.


  • Please refer to config files for experiment details: various mixups, AutoMix, SAMix. As for config files of various mixups, please modify max_epochs and mix_mode in to generate configs and bash scripts.

  • Since ResNet-18 might be under-fitted on ImageNet-1k, we adopt $\alpha=0.2$ for some cutting-based mixups (CutMix, SaliencyMix, FMix, ResizeMix) based on ResNet-18.

  • Notice that đź“– denotes original results reproduced by official implementations.

Backbones $Beta$ ResNet-18 ResNet-34 ResNet-50 ResNet-101 ResNeXt-101
Epochs $\alpha$ 100 epochs 100 epochs 100 epochs 100 epochs 100 epochs
Vanilla - 70.04 73.85 76.83 78.18 78.71
MixUp 0.2 69.98 73.97 77.12 78.97 79.98
CutMix 1 68.95 73.58 77.17 78.96 80.42
DeiT 0.8, 1 77.27
ManifoldMix 0.2 69.98 73.98 77.01 79.02 79.93
SaliencyMix 1 69.16 73.56 77.14 79.32 80.27
AttentiveMix+ 2 68.57 - 77.28 - -
FMix* 1 69.96 74.08 77.19 79.09 80.06
GridMix 0.2 - - 77.04 - -
PuzzleMix 1 70.12 74.26 77.54 79.36 80.53
Co-Mixupđź“– 2 - - 77.60 - -
SuperMixđź“– 2 - - 77.63 - -
ResizeMix* 1 69.50 73.88 77.42 79.49 80.55
AlignMixđź“– 2 - - 78.00 - -
Graftingđź“– 1 - - 77.74 - -
AutoMix 2 70.50 74.52 77.91 79.87 80.89
SAMix* 2 70.83 74.95 78.14 80.05 80.98
Backbones $Beta$ ResNet-18 ResNet-34 ResNet-50 ResNet-101
Epochs $\alpha$ 300 epochs 300 epochs 300 epochs 300 epochs
Vanilla - 71.83 75.29 77.35 78.91
MixUp 0.2 71.72 75.73 78.44 80.60
CutMix 1 71.01 75.16 78.69 80.59
ManifoldMix 0.2 71.73 75.44 78.21 80.64
SaliencyMix 1 70.97 75.01 78.46 80.45
FMix* 1 70.30 75.12 78.51 80.20
GridMix 0.2 - - 78.50 -
PuzzleMix 1 71.64 75.84 78.86 80.67
ResizeMix* 1 71.32 75.64 78.91 80.52
AlignMixđź“– 2 - - 79.32 -
AutoMix 2 72.05 76.10 79.25 80.98
SAMix* 2 72.27 76.28 79.39 81.10

Timm RSB A2/A3 Training Settings on ImageNet-1k¶

These benchmarks follow timm RSB A2/A3 settings based on ResNet-50, EfficientNet-B0, and MobileNet.V2. Training 300/100 epochs with the BCE loss on ImageNet-1k, RSB A3 is a fast training setting while RSB A2 can exploit the full representation ability of ConvNets.


  • Please refer to config files for experiment details: RSB A3 and RSB A2. You can modify max_epochs and mix_mode in to generate configs and bash scripts for various mixups.

  • Notice that the RSB settings employ Mixup with $\alpha=0.1$ and CutMix with $\alpha=1.0$. We report the median of top-1 accuracy in the last 5/10 training epochs for 100/300 epochs.

Backbones $Beta$ ResNet-50 ResNet-50 Eff-B0 Eff-B0 Mob.V2 1x Mob.V2 1x
Settings $\alpha$ A3 A2 A3 A2 A3 A2
RSB 0.1, 1 78.08 79.80 74.02 77.26 69.86 72.87
MixUp 0.2 77.66 79.39 73.87 77.19 70.17 72.78
CutMix 0.2 77.62 79.38 73.46 77.24 69.62 72.23
ManifoldMix 0.2 77.78 79.47 73.83 77.22 70.05 72.34
AttentiveMix+ 2 77.46 79.34 72.16 75.95 67.32 70.30
SaliencyMix 0.2 77.93 79.42 73.42 77.67 69.69 72.07
FMix* 0.2 77.76 79.05 73.71 77.33 70.10 72.79
PuzzleMix 1 78.02 79.78 74.10 77.35 70.04 72.85
ResizeMix* 1 77.85 79.94 73.67 77.27 69.94 72.50
AutoMix 2 78.44 80.28 74.61 77.58 71.16 73.19
SAMix 2 78.64 - 75.28 77.69 71.24 73.42

DeiT Training Settings with ViTs on ImageNet-1k¶

Since recently proposed transformer-based architectures adopt mixups as parts of essential augmentations, these benchmarks follow DeiT settings based on DeiT-Small, Swin-Tiny, and ConvNeXt-Tiny on ImageNet-1k.


  • Please refer to config files of various mixups for experiment details: DeiT-T/S/B, PVT-T, Swin-T, ConvNeXt-T, MogaNet-T. You can modify max_epochs and mix_mode in to generate configs and bash scripts for various mixups.

  • Notice that the DeiT setting employs Mixup with $\alpha=0.8$ and CutMix with $\alpha=1.0$, switching with a probability of 0.5. Some mixup methods might tune the switching probability and $\alpha$ of Mixup for better performances.

  • Notice that the performances of transformer-based architectures are more difficult to reproduce than ResNet variants, and the mean of the best performance in 3 trials is reported as their original paper. Notice that đź“– denotes original results reproduced by official implementations.

Methods $\alpha$ DeiT-T DeiT-S DeiT-B PVT-T Swin-T ConvNeXt-T MogaNet-T
Vanilla - 73.91 75.66 77.09 74.67 80.21 79.22 79.25
DeiT 0.8, 1 74.50 79.80 81.83 75.10 81.20 82.10 79.02
MixUp 0.2 74.69 77.72 78.98 75.24 81.01 80.88 79.29
CutMix 0.2 74.23 80.13 81.61 75.53 81.33 81.57 78.37
ManifoldMix 0.2 - - - - - 80.57 79.07
AttentiveMix+ 2 74.07 80.32 82.42 74.98 81.29 81.14 77.53
SaliencyMix 0.2 74.17 79.88 80.72 75.71 81.37 81.33 78.74
PuzzleMix 1 73.85 80.45 81.63 75.48 81.47 81.48 78.12
FMix* 0.2 74.41 77.37 79.84 75.28 79.60 81.04 79.05
ResizeMix* 1 74.79 78.61 80.89 76.05 81.36 81.64 78.77
TransMix 0.8, 1 74.56 80.68 82.51 75.50 81.80 - -
TokenMixđź“– 0.8, 1 75.31 80.80 82.90 75.60 81.60 - -
AutoMix 2 75.52 80.78 82.18 76.38 81.80 82.28 79.43
SAMix* 2 75.83 80.94 82.85 76.60 81.87 82.35 79.62

Tiny-ImageNet Dataset¶

This benchmark largely follows PuzzleMix settings. All compared methods adopt ResNet-18 and ResNeXt-50 (32x4d) architectures training 400 epochs on Tiny-ImageNet. The training and testing image size is 64 (no CenterCrop in testing). We search $\alpha$ in $Beta(\alpha, \alpha)$ for all compared methods.


  • Please refer to config files for experiment details: various mixups, AutoMix, SAMix. As for config files of various mixups, please modify max_epochs and mix_mode in to generate configs and bash scripts.

  • Notice that đź“– denotes original results reproduced by official implementations.

Backbones $\alpha$ ResNet-18 ResNeXt-50
Vanilla - 61.68 65.04
MixUp 1 63.86 66.36
CutMix 1 65.53 66.47
ManifoldMix 0.2 64.15 67.30
SmoothMix 0.2 66.65 69.65
SaliencyMix 1 64.60 66.55
AttentiveMix+ 2 64.85 67.42
FMix* 1 63.47 65.08
PuzzleMix 1 65.81 67.83
Co-Mixupđź“– 2 65.92 68.02
ResizeMix* 1 63.74 65.87
GridMix 0.2 65.14 66.53
Graftingđź“– 1 64.84 -
AlignMixđź“– 2 66.87 -
AutoMix 2 67.33 70.72
SAMix* 2 68.89 72.18

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