
Mixup Fine-grained and Scenic Classification Benchmarks¶

OpenMixup provides mixup benchmarks on supervised learning on various tasks. Config files and experiment results are available, and pre-trained models and training logs are updating. Moreover, more advanced mixup variants will be supported in the future. Issues and PRs are welcome!

Now, we have supported 13 popular mixup methods! Notice that * denotes open-source arXiv pre-prints reproduced by us, and đź“– denotes original results reproduced by official implementations. We modified the original AttentiveMix by using pre-trained R-18 (or R-50) and sampling $\lambda$ from $\Beta(\alpha,8)$ as AttentiveMix+, which yields better performances.


  • We summarize benchmark results in Markdown tables. You can convert them into other formats (e.g., LaTeX) with online tools.

  • As for evaluation, you can test pre-trained models with tools/, and then you can extract experiment results (from JSON files) by tools in openmixup/tools/summary/. An example with 4 GPUs evaluation and summarization is as follows:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2,3,4 bash tools/ ${CONFIG_FILE} 4 ${PATH_TO_MODEL}
    python tools/summary/ ${PATH_TO_JSON_LOG} head0_top1-head0_top5
Supported sample mixing policies
Supported label mixing policies

Fine-grained and Scenic Classification Benchmarks¶

We further provide benchmarks on downstream classification scenarios. We report the median of top-1 accuracy in the last 5/10 training epochs for 100/200 epochs.

Transfer Learning on Small-scale Fine-grained Datasets¶

These benchmarks follow transfer learning settings on fine-grained datasets, using PyTorch official pre-trained models as initialization and training 200 epochs on CUB-200 and FGVC-Aircraft.


  • Please refer to config files for experiment details: CUB-200 and FGVC-Aircraft. As for config files of various mixups, please modify max_epochs and mix_mode in to generate configs and bash scripts.

Datasets $Beta$ CUB-200 CUB-200 Aircraft Aircraft
Backbones $\alpha$ ResNet-18 ResNeXt-50 ResNet-18 ResNeXt-50
Vanilla - 77.68 83.01 80.23 85.10
MixUp 0.2 78.39 84.58 79.52 85.18
CutMix 1 78.40 85.68 78.84 84.55
ManifoldMix 0.5 79.76 86.38 80.68 86.60
SaliencyMix 0.2 77.95 83.29 80.02 84.31
FMix* 0.2 77.28 84.06 79.36 86.23
PuzzleMix 1 78.63 84.51 80.76 86.23
ResizeMix* 1 78.50 84.77 78.10 84.08
AutoMix 2 79.87 86.56 81.37 86.72
SAMix* 2 81.11 86.83 82.15 86.80

Large-scale Fine-grained Datasets¶

These benchmarks follow PyTorch-style ImageNet-1k training settings, training 100 epochs from stretch on iNat2017 and iNat2018.


Datasets $Beta$ iNat2017 iNat2017 iNat2017 iNat2018 iNat2018
Backbones $\alpha$ ResNet-18 ResNet-50 ResNeXt-101 ResNet-50 ResNeXt-101
Vanilla - 51.79 60.23 63.70 62.53 66.94
MixUp 0.2 51.40 61.22 66.27 62.69 67.56
CutMix 1 51.24 62.34 67.59 63.91 69.75
ManifoldMix 0.2 51.83 61.47 66.08 63.46 69.30
SaliencyMix 1 51.29 62.51 67.20 64.27 70.01
FMix* 1 52.01 61.90 66.64 63.71 69.46
PuzzleMix 1 - 62.66 67.72 64.36 70.12
ResizeMix* 1 51.21 62.29 66.82 64.12 69.30
AutoMix 2 52.84 63.08 68.03 64.73 70.49
SAMix* 2 53.42 63.32 68.26 64.84 70.54

Scenic Classification Dataset¶

This benchmark follows PyTorch-style ImageNet-1k training settings, training 100 epochs from stretch on Places205.


  • Please refer to config files of Places205 for experiment details. As for config files of various mixups, please modify max_epochs and mix_mode in to generate configs and bash scripts.

  • Download weights and logs of Places205 [github, Baidu (4m94)].

Datasets $Beta$ Places205 Places205
Backbones $\alpha$ ResNet-18 ResNet-50
Vanilla - 59.63 63.10
MixUp 0.2 59.33 63.01
CutMix 0.2 59.21 63.75
ManifoldMix 0.2 59.46 63.23
SaliencyMix 0.2 59.50 63.33
FMix* 0.2 59.51 63.63
PuzzleMix 1 59.62 63.91
ResizeMix* 1 59.66 63.88
AutoMix 2 59.74 64.06
SAMix* 2 59.86 64.27

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